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The Lost Orchard celebrates ancient and forgotten varieties of fruit which the French chef grows in the grounds of his...
If you’ve got family staying for Easter or leftover chocolate to use up, these delicious French cakes are sure to...
French cheese doesn’t just have to be saved for the cheeseboard, why not experiment with canapés too? Saint Agur Puff...
Whether its spread with salted butter or served with a dollop of jam, you really can’t beat the French baguette....
Enter our competition to win a copy of the recipe book, The Cook’s Atelier Fill out my online form. Mother...
The prettiest of French sweet treats, macarons are one of the most iconic pâtisseries in France. Learn how to make...
Michelin-starred chef Daniel Galmiche reveals his take on an indulgent tarte au chocolat with this Chocolate, Chilli and Lemongrass Tart...
Give your Christmas a French flavour with this recipe for an indulgent chocolate bûche de Noêl One of the dishes...
Gougères au Fromage are delicious cheesey choux pastry balls traditionally eaten before a meal in Burgundy-Franche Comté. Make them yourself...
From hearty soups to stews to indulgent desserts, treat yourself this autumn with these traditional French recipes Gratin dauphinois recipe...