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This delicious Poulet Basquaise supper from The French Revolution is perfect for autumn nights One of the best-known French chefs...
Treat yourself to these delectable meringues by French master pâtissier Eric Lanlard Meringues are so much fun to make…you can...
These delicious madeleines from Cooking in the South of France would be ideal for afternoon tea Makes 24 large madeleines...
This delicious recipe from The French Revolution is perfect for summer Michel Roux Jr runs the renowned two-Michelin star restaurant...
Children will love baking these simple little French cakes Financiers are an excellent handheld snack. Essentially a tea cake made...
This delightful recipe for Pain Perdu à la Normande from The French Revolution is a great way to transform stale...
These delicious, warm cakes from Le Cordon Bleu Chocolate Bible are surprisingly easy to make INGREDIENTS 150g dark chocolate 4...
Pep up your lunch with this simple, fresh soup from Raymond Blanc “I was taught this dish by my mother,”...
Frying pans at the ready to create this delicious French dessert Makes 12 medium crêpes (20cm/8 inches in diameter). The...
France celebrates the feast of Epiphany on 6 January with dessert: a galette, gâteau or couronne des rois to mark...