Gardening in May: What to do and what to plant?

May is an ideal time for gardening, with ample opportunities to cultivate and nurture a variety of plants, setting the stage for a blooming and productive summer garden.
Things to do in your garden in May:
- Start ‘hardening off’ summer bedding towards the end of the month so that it can be planted out in flower beds and hanging baskets when the risk of frost has passed
- Prune spring-flowering shrubs once their blooms have faded
- Watch broad beans for black fly and pinch out the growing tip on each plant once pods begin to appear
- Keep weeds at bay to prevent competition for moisture and nutrients, hoe off weed seedlings to save work later on
- Mow lawns every week and add clippings to the compost heap
- Plant remaining seed potatoes and pull earth over the emerging foliage of those already in the ground to protect them from frost
- Identify clumps of daffodils that were overcrowded in spring in order to dig up and divide their bulbs
- Check hedges carefully for nesting birds before trimming
- Harvest rhubarb and asparagus spears
- Keep an eye on weather forecasts and open greenhouse and polytunnel doors on warm days so that plants do not bake
- If not already doing so, save rainwater and look at ways to recycle grey water from the home to ensure plants get plenty of moisture throughout the hottest months. Alternate grey water with rain or tap water when watering to prevent a build-up of residues
Things to plant in May
Sweetcorn, basil, beetroot, spring onions, squash, carrots, rocket, courgettes, cucumber, sunflowers, and much more – check seed packets for best time to sow seeds
Did you manage to get all of your April tasks done? Maybe it’s good to make a start on your to-do list for June too…
Looking for more on gardening?
The climate in France is generally milder than the UK, allowing for a wider variety of plants to thrive. Many properties in France come with large gardens, providing ample space for various gardening activities. So if you’re looking for inspiration or information, take a look at our gardening page
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