22 French faux amis ready to trip you up

Save yourself from embarrassment and confusion next time you speak French by learning these common false friends
What you think it means: Library
What it actually means: Bookshop
A better French word to use: Bibliothèque
What you think it means: Jolly
What it actually means: Pretty/Attractive
A better French word to use: Enjoué
What you think it means: Chair
What it actually means: Flesh
A better French word to use: Chaise
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What you think it means: Blanket
What it actually means: Meat stew
A better French word to use: Couverture
What you think it means: Pills (as in for a headache)
What it actually means: Batteries
A better French word to use: Aspirine
What you think it means: Excited
What it actually means: Aroused
A better French word to use: Enthousiaste
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What you think it means: Sensible
What it actually means: Sensitive
A better French word to use: Raisonnable
What you think it means: Account
What it actually means: Deposit or Down Payment
A better French word to use: Compte
What you think it means: Help/ Assist
What it actually means: Attend an event
A better French word to use: Aider
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What you think it means: Achievement
What it actually means: Completion/Culmination of something
A better French word to use: Accomplissement
What you think it means: Demand
What it actually means: Ask
A better French word to use: Exiger
What you think it means: Money
What it actually means: Change / Loose coins
A better French word to use: L’argent
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What you think it means: Actually
What it actually means: Currently
A better French word to use: En fait
What you think it means: Agenda
What it actually means: Diary
A better French word to use: Programme du jour
What you think it means: Process
What it actually means: Trial
A better French word to use: Processsus
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What you think it means: Deception
What it actually means: Disappointment
A better French word to use: Tromperie
What you think it means: Coin
What it actually means: Corner/In the local area
A better French word to use: Pièce de monnaie
What you think it means: Journey
What it actually means: Day
A better French word to use: Voyage
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What you think it means: Rest
What it actually means: Stay
A better word to use: Se reposer
What you think it means: Tissue
What it actually means: Fabric/Material
A better word to use: Mouchoir
What you think it means: Vest
What it actually means: Jacket
A better word to use: Maillot de corps
What you think it means: Cave
What it actually means: Wine cellar
A better word to use: Grotte
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