22 French faux amis ready to trip you up

22 French faux amis ready to trip you up

Save yourself from embarrassment and confusion next time you speak French by learning these common false friends


What you think it means: Library

What it actually means: Bookshop

A better French word to use: Bibliothèque


What you think it means: Jolly

What it actually means: Pretty/Attractive

A better French word to use: Enjoué


What you think it means: Chair

What it actually means: Flesh

A better French word to use: Chaise


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What you think it means: Blanket

What it actually means: Meat stew

A better French word to use: Couverture


What you think it means: Pills (as in for a headache)

What it actually means: Batteries

A better French word to use: Aspirine


What you think it means: Excited

What it actually means: Aroused

A better French word to use: Enthousiaste


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What you think it means: Sensible

What it actually means: Sensitive

A better French word to use: Raisonnable


What you think it means: Account

What it actually means: Deposit or Down Payment

A better French word to use: Compte


What you think it means: Help/ Assist

What it actually means: Attend an event

A better French word to use: Aider


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What you think it means: Achievement

What it actually means: Completion/Culmination of something

A better French word to use: Accomplissement


What you think it means: Demand

What it actually means: Ask

A better French word to use: Exiger


What you think it means: Money

What it actually means: Change / Loose coins

A better French word to use: L’argent


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What you think it means: Actually

What it actually means: Currently

A better French word to use: En fait


What you think it means: Agenda

What it actually means: Diary

A better French word to use: Programme du jour


What you think it means: Process

What it actually means: Trial

A better French word to use: Processsus


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What you think it means: Deception

What it actually means: Disappointment

A better French word to use: Tromperie


What you think it means: Coin

What it actually means: Corner/In the local area

A better French word to use: Pièce de monnaie


What you think it means: Journey

What it actually means: Day

A better French word to use: Voyage


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What you think it means: Rest

What it actually means: Stay

A better word to use: Se reposer


What you think it means: Tissue

What it actually means: Fabric/Material

A better word to use: Mouchoir


What you think it means: Vest

What it actually means: Jacket

A better word to use: Maillot de corps


What you think it means: Cave

What it actually means: Wine cellar

A better word to use: Grotte

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