19 French words you need to know to understand the French tax system

Do you know how to say ‘a taxpayer’ or ‘marital status’ in French? Here are 19 French words and phrases you need to know to navigate the tax system in France
Un contribuable – A taxpayer (a person who contributes to the state’s income)
Payer des impôts – To pay tax
Une personne imposable / non-imposable – A taxpayer / A person who doesn’t pay tax
Être exonéré ou exempté – To be exonerated or exempted
Le seuil d’imposition – The income threshold (below which you pay no tax)
Un avis de non-imposition – A certificate to prove that you’re tax-exempt
Déclarer ses revenus – To declare one’s income
Soumettre une déclaration – To submit a declaration/ statement
Votre lieu de séjour principal – Your main residence (where you stay more than six months per year)
L’année fiscale – The tax year
Remplir un document en ligne – To fill in a document online
Faire les démarches nécessaires – To take the necessary steps
Le foyer fiscal – The household for tax purposes
Un conjoint – A spouse
Une personne à charge – A person who’s dependent on you
La situation de famille – Marital status
Le cas échéant – If/when applicable
Le montant à payer / à régler – The amount due
Un prélèvement mensuel – An automatic monthly payment (eg direct debit)
find out more about the French tax systemMore useful vocabulary: 20 French words you need to know to set up your utilities in France and 18 French words you need to know to use the banking system in France
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